Other species: Some authors consider Rhinolophus paradoxolophus as being distinct from R. rex, and R. thomasi as distinct from R. sinicus, but we question both of these 'splits'. Whether R. osgoodi is distict from R.lepidus deserves further work. R. cornutus is restricted to Japan (Simmons 2005) , so records for China are erroneous. R. rouxii occurs in Sri Lanka, India, Burma and Vietman, but earlier records from China probably refer to R. sinicus. Other species recorded from China include R. shortridgei, though similaries with R. lepidus (indistinguishable on external characters: Csorba et al. 2003) make these records questionable. The only species that seems to have reliable records from China not included in our web pages appears to be R. trifoliatus, with only one record from Guizhou (Wang 2003).