Peters's Myotis | |
Morphological description Life history Distribution Habitat Roost sites and roosting patterns Emergence and flight pattern Foraging behaviour Echolocation calls Status and protection
Morphological Description· One captured 4 September 2002, Yunfu Mount, Bolo County, Guangdong. Juvenile male, 33.8 mm, 3.4 g. Foot 6 mm, tibia 15.5 mm. Straight hairy penis end and wings. Fur dark brown, paler ventrally. · Our identification is tentative, because there are no previous records of this species in China. Analysis of cytochrome b sequences by Manuel Ruedi and Benoit Stadelmann placed the bat alongside others identified as ater in a clade also including some Myotis muricola. Life history· Little known DistributionVietnam, W Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Sulawesi, Togian Isl, N Borneo, Mollucas, Papua New Guinea, possibly Philippines and Australia (Simmons 2005). Our record is shown below. Habitat· Little known. Roost sites and roosting behaviour· Not known. · Emergence and flight pattern· Little known. Foraging behaviour· Not known, though we captured the bat as it flew along a small stream. Echolocation calls· Unknown. Status and protection· Unknown.. |