Ryukyu flying fox |
Morphological description Life history Distribution Habitat Roost sites and roosting patterns Emergence and flight pattern Foraging behaviour Echolocation calls Status and protectionPhotos - Shiang-Fan Chen Taiwan hosts an endemic subspecies of this endangered bat, Pteropus dasymallus formosus. However, the subspecies is virtually extinct because of overhunting and habitat loss. Morphological Description·Wooly fur - reddish brown with yellow neck.. ·Upper part of tibia hairy. · Forearm length 124-141 mm, ear length 20-28 mm (Smith & Xie,2008). Life history·Little known. Overhunting has reduced populations to critical levels. Distribution. Last known bats are found on Green Island, SE of Taiwan. Around 25 years ago there were believed to be 20,000 bats of this subspecies on Green Island. Now the species is virtually extinct, with only 2 bats spotted briefly in 2005 (International Conservation Newsletter, 14 (3); September 2006, 3-4). Three bats were found by Shiang-Fan Chen in 2005 (abstract - First International South-East Asian Bat Conference, 2007). Habitat·Stands of Ficus septica that formerly grew along rivers and streams have been cleared, resulting in destruction of a major food source for the bats. Roost sites and roosting behaviour· Hsu and Chengsaw two Formosan flying foxes resting briefly on a Horsetail tree (Casuarina equisetifolia L.) (International Conservation Newsletter, 14 (3); September 2006, 3-4). Emergence and flight pattern·Little known. Foraging behaviour·Frugivorous, formerly ate many figs Ficus septica. Echolocation callsThis species does not emit echolocation calls. Status and protection·Persecuted by overhunting, and being captured for pets. Numbers severely affected by habitat loss and tourism pressure. ·China - RL-EN A1acd; B1ab (i,ii,iii). IUCN (2008) Near Threatened, decreasing (status of P. dasymallus, not P. dasymallus formosus). |